“One Life put the spark back in my life that I was missing. Each week at One Life, I learned how to manage my weight loss, while still enjoying my life. They teach you how to stay at your goal permanently. I have maintained my weight loss for over a year and a half and feel better now than ever.”
What brought you to One Life?
I had lunch with a few girlfriends who I had not seen in 4 months and they both looked amazing. I said, “I want what you have! What is your secret?” When they told me it was One Life, I decided to make an appointment and check it out for myself. That was one and a half years ago and the rest is history.
How much weight did you lose?
I started the program on March 1st, and reached my goal of 15 pounds by June 1st. I felt so good after achieving my goal, but I knew that I could feel even better if I lost a few more. So, I stayed at my goal weight through the summer, and worked with the program to lose an additional 5 pounds.
Have you always struggled with your weight?
During my 30’s and 40’s, I was too busy having babies and raising them to concentrate on my own health and wellbeing. I didn’t eat much more than anyone else, but I ate whatever was on my fingertips: junk food. My unhealthy habits caught up to me, both physically and mentally. I constantly carried around an extra 20 pounds that just wouldn’t go away. I was stuck in a rut and started to really feel discouraged as I would try other plans to lose the weight and they never taught me how to keep it off. I was finally ready to make a change when I found One Life.
What has Dr. Haynes and One Life taught you about losing weight?
Each week, I learned how to manage my weight, while enjoying my life. The combination of weighing the food and journaling was instrumental for me. Dr. Haynes gave me weekly handouts that educated me on health and nutrition. Everything about the program makes sense. It has taught me about how to stay at my goal weight for life.
What were some of your tips or tricks that helped you out along the way?
I was eating more protein and eating more often. My portions got smaller but I never felt deprived. I was losing each week that I came in and that really kept me motivated. One key tip is that when I would dine out at restaurants, I would always ask for a to-go bag and only eat half. The portions these days are huge and I just do not need to eat as much as I used to eat.
How have you maintained the weight loss for almost 2 years?
I now have a very consistent routine of what I eat. My go-to breakfast is egg on toast with a side of bacon. I still keep myself accountable Monday-Friday and thenI indulge a little on the weekends. I also still go into One Life every other week for my B-12 vitamin shot. It is the perfect boost of energy I need to keep me going and it is a great excuse to come in and see the wonderful staff!
How has the Perception of yourself changed?
My disappointment in myself for being too big consumed me, and my self-confidence suffered. After 25 years of marriage and kids, you can get into a rut with the routine and now after losing the weight it is so nice to get that spark back. To get back to being me. I feel sexy and attractive again and it is fun!
There is a new excitement for the next chapter of my life.
What would you say to someone who was thinking about joining One Life?
One Life truly is that “program that really works.” It is as simple as that!